B.Sc. in Chemical Engg., Shiraz University, Iran, 2008
M.S. in Chemical Engg., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2013
PhD. in Chemical Engg., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2016
Research Interests:
Protein/membrane interaction
Membrane/detergent interaction
Integral membrane protein morphology and orientation characterization
Advanced Scanning Proble Microsocpy (liquid AFM - STM – EC STM)
Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy (Cryo TEM – TEM – STEM)
Hobbies and other interests:
Playing badminton, outdoor activities, swimming
H. Niroomand, D. Mukherjee‡, B. Khomami‡, (2017) "Tuning the photoexcitation response of cyanobacterial Photosystem I via reconstitution into Proteoliposomes," (‡=Corresponding Authors). Scientific Reports, Accepted
Hanieh Niroomand, Guru A. Venkatesan, Stephen A. Sarles, Dibyendu Mukherjee‡, and Bamin Khomami‡, (2016) “Lipid-detergent phase transitions during detergent mediated liposome solubilization”. (‡=Corresponding Authors). Journal of Membrane Biology; DOI : 10.1007/s00232-016-9894-1.
Tyler H. Bennett, Hanieh Niroomand, Ravi Pamu, Ilia Ivanov, Dibyendu Mukherjee‡, and Bamin Khomami‡, (2016) “Elucidating the role of Methyl Viologen as scavenger of photoactivated electrons from Photosystem I under aerobic and anaerobic conditions,” (‡=Corresponding Authors). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 8512.
X Ye, H Niroomand, S Hu, B Khomami, (2015) "Block copolymer micelle formation in a solvent good for all the blocks". Colloid Polym Sci 293:2799–2805.
Morphological characterization of photosystem I (PS I) proteoliposomes - under preparation