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  • B.S. in Chemical Engg., University of South Carolina, 2011


Research Interests:


  • I am fascinated by the way nature has ingenious and efficient solutions to both energy

and material demands. Currently I am looking at incorporating the photosynthetic protein

Photosystem I into biohybrid photovoltaics for use in energy production or sensors.

I hope to further understand nature’s engineering to replicate in solving our own energy

and material needs.


Hobbies and other interests:

gymnastics, hiking, rock climbing





  • Tyler H. Bennett, Hanieh Niroomand, Ravi Pamu, Ilia Ivanov, Dibyendu Mukherjee‡, and Bamin Khomami‡, (2016)Elucidating the role of Methyl Viologen as scavenger of photoactivated electrons from Photosystem I under aerobic and anaerobic conditions,” (‡=Corresponding Authors). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 8512.

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