B.S. in Chemical Eng. - University of Tennessee (In Progress)
B.S. 3D Animation - DePaul University, 2014
Background and Interests
Collin began his university career at UT in 2010, and shortly transferred to DePaul University in Chicago to pursue 3D Animation and Video Game Development. After completing his degree and DePaul, he stayed in Chicago for another 6 years. during this time, he split his time managing at a lakeside beach restaurant and working on various game projects including Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat 11. After 8 years in Chicago, Collin's passion for science and desire to make a more meaningful impact brought him back to UT. After taking Dibs' Thermo and learning about his research, Collin joined the lab during the summer of 2021. Since joining the lab, he has worked on joint projects in ENMs and has begun work in development of battery materials. Collin is an avid runner and spends his free time playing games, 3D modelling, or enjoying nature.