Interactions of metal/intermetallic NPs with lipid bilayer systems mimicking human cell membranes (Lab 104)
Our extensive research on nanomaterials in the nbml-E3 lab indicates that metal/metal oxide NPs have unique physico-chemical, interfacial, electrical and optoelectronic properties that find widespread applications for new classes of catalytic, energetic and thermoelectric materials. While these qualities emerge from the drastic increase in the surface area-to-volume ratio of NPs that leads to behavioral domination by surface atoms and quantum confinement effects, the health and environmental risk factors arising from unique properties of NPs might be potentially dangerous, that are very difficult to predict yet. To this end, we seek to study the effect of nanoparticles on biological membranes by investigating the poration effects of certain metal oxides (ZnO, Co3O4, TiO2, etc.) on synthetic lipid membranes by examining membrane integrity before and after liposome exposure to the NPs. We aim to achieve a fundamental understanding on the cytotoxicity of NP-cell membrane interactions from the perspective of “nanotoxicology” and/or, targeted drug delivery applications in future.
Personnel Involved: Sheng Hu (Post-Doc; CBE); David B. Morse (Undergrad Student, College Scholars Program);
Relevant Publications:
Metal oxide nanoparticle interaction with lipid membranes; D. Morse, S. Hu, G. A. Venkatesan, S. A. Sarles, D. Mukherjee, (2015) ,” In Preparation.
Quantitative diagnostics of calcification in valvular interstitial cells using LIBS (Lab 104)
Calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) is a major cardiovascular disorder caused by osteogenic differentiation of valvular interstitial cells (VICs) within aortic valves. Conventional methods like colorimetric assays and histology fail to detect small calcium depositions during in-vitro VIC cultures. We employ LIBS, for the first time, for quantitative in-vitro detection of calcium deposition in VICs at various osteogenic differentiation stages. Quantitatively, LIBS measurements establish a 5-fold improvement over calcium assay in the limit of detection for calcium content in VICs.
Personnel Involved: Ali Davari (PhD Student; MABE)
Relevant Publications:
S.A. Davari, S. Masjedi, Z. Ferdous, D. Mukherjee, (2017) "In-vitro analysis of early calcification in aortic valvular interstitial cells using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)”, J. Biophotonics, 11, 1 (Back Cover Article)
Quantitative analysis of carbonaceous aerosols, biomolecules and bioaerosols using LIBS (Lab 104)
In the past, we have developed LIBS as an analytical tool for quantitative elemental composition analysis of carbonaceous aerosols and carbon-bearing aerosolized drugs. Specifically, our investigations have studied the fundamental physics of mass-loading induced plasma matrix effects and its role in constraining the applications of LIBS for quantitative chemical characterizations of carbon-bearing aerosols. Such studies find applications for in-situ drug analysis in the pharamaceutical industry. We seek to extend our studies in future towards detection and analysis of complex biological molecules and bio-aerosols using quantittaive LIBS technique.
Personnel Involved: Ali Davari (PhD Student; MABE)
Relevant Publications:
Characterization of Carbon-Containing Aerosolized Drugs using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy; D. Mukherjee, M.D. Cheng; Applied Spectroscopy,62(5), 554 (2008) [Cover Article].
Quantitative analysis of carbonaceous aerosols using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: A study on mass loading induced plasma matrix effects; D. Mukherjee, M.D. Cheng; Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23, 119 (2007) .